Team LaunchNotes
Announcement templates

A sneak peek 👀 at templates

AUTHOR: Team LaunchNotes
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Announcement templates

We're adding the ability for LaunchNotes contributors to create announcement templates.

Templates will empower teams to apply standardization at scale by applying consistent design and structuring key information for each type of announcement. Instead of a free-form update, which could change based on who is writing the update or other factors, templates make it easy to answer the right questions for anyone drafting announcements.

This release will include creating and managing templates, as well as an update to the "New announcement" button to put starting from a template right at your fingertips.

Templates can have a name and description, in addition to the headline, hero image, content, category selections, work item selections, and search & share settings.

You and your team will be able to customize and save as many templates as are appropriate for your communications strategy.

The video below provides a brief overview of the feature.

We're still putting the final touches on this, but are looking forward to announcing the launch soon. If you have any thoughts or questions for us, click the Leave Feedback button to the left and get in touch!

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