- Team LaunchNotes
Better internal user management
Bulk invite stakeholders and better visibility and management for the internal users on your LaunchNotes project.
What's changing
Starting Friday, Feb 20 2020 you'll see a new way to manage users in your project. Here's an overview of the main changes:
A new page called "Project users" showing user's access and permission level for your project
A count of all internal users types and the ability to filter on these user types
- The ability to invite Stakeholders via "Join link"

Why we did it
Part of keeping the right people in the loop at the right time means having a handle on all internal users and their permission levels. The new view gives you an easy way to know and manage who can view/contribute to LaunchNotes.
Stakeholders via "Join link" is a new way to invite stakeholders. This is a great way to add stakeholders quickly vs. inviting them 1 by 1. If you're a company that has 20+ stakeholders just drop your stakeholder link in chat to have them sign up for your project.
New organization users view
Invite, view, and manage your account's users from this screen.

1. We're rolling up the count of team members and internal followers for your account. This is an easy way to check how many users you're at for the plan you're on.
2. A table with all users and their Organization role permission level. Most your Organization roles should be User.
New project users view

1. A rollup of roles of each user in your project. You can click to filter by admins, contributors or stakeholders associated with your project.
2. The project role for each internal user.
3. The categories each user is subscribed to—a great way to see subscriber preferences at a glance.
Stakeholders via "Join link"

1. Copy and share a link in your company chat that allows people to sign up as a stakeholder.
2. Each user that has invite permissions gets their own share link. This link can be destroyed at any time.
3. Invite users 1 by 1 via email. Best for project contributors or admins.
When is it rolling out?
You will start to see these changes starting Friday, Feb 21 as we roll them out.