- Team LaunchNotes
- User domain matching
Feature Friday - July 15: LaunchNotes writing assistant, a modernized changelog experience, and more
Happy Friday! We have a few new features and updates to share with you to help kick off the weekend.
Quick snippets writing assistant 
We're thrilled to announce that we're making the quick snippets writing assistant available today. This “anti-writer’s block” feature was developed during the LaunchNotes Innovation Week and we can’t wait to hear from you about how quick snippets turbo-charge your drafting of announcements and roadmap items, taking you from 0-to-publishing at lightning speeds.
We designed quick snippets around the different sections of an effective announcement. There are currently 100 Mad Libs-like snippets pre-loaded in the editor toolbar. All the snippets can be filtered by type to find just the right line that gets you started.
Let us know what you think! And please, if you’d like to share your favorite, tried-and-true copy lines to potentially be added to the catalog of snippets, please leave your suggestions to the left.
Also shipping and available today from LaunchNotes Innovation Week…
Hotwire improves the experience on your published page when navigating between announcements, ideas, and roadmap, as well as when applying category filters to each of these pages.
The new experience refreshes only the content that is changing instead of reloading the entire site when a user navigates between pages or filters content on the screen. Overall, the site now has a more modern and snappy feel to the experience.
Enhanced LaunchNotes Linter 
Our enhanced linter tool and process is a level up for our engineering team. It will further improve our code by flagging programming and stylistic inconsistencies, catching slow code, and preventing bugs from proliferating. With code that is more consistent, readable, and maintainable, resulting in fewer errors in production, we’re excited to iterate and release new features that much faster, while also improving the LaunchNotes app performance.
And if you’re interested to hear what we have in-store for next week, you’ve come to the right place!
Domain matching
We are excited to get this user management upgrade out to you as this will solve what was previously a mild, to sometimes major, headache for admins and contributors within the LaunchNotes app. Administrators, currently have to manually add new users to each project. With domain matching when a user from your company signs-in to LaunchNotes with their company email address they will be recognized and automatically added as a contributor to your project. It will be easier than ever to get your whole team working in LaunchNotes! Should be ready to ship this next Friday, July 22.
Bugs: fixes and improvements 
Now the email addresses to forward feedback to: input is correctly accepting and reflecting emails entered in the field
Now when navigating to the subscriber tab of any work item, the content is loading properly
Image alignment in emails is respected when viewed from Gmail
New prompt to save changes to updates before navigating away from the ideas & feedback settings page
The CTA at the bottom of all of our user announcement notification emails will change today, in preparation for our upcoming release of an excerpt-only option for emails. Changed from “View the Announcement” to “View the full announcement”
As always, we’d love your feedback!
Have some feedback? Have an idea for something you’d like to see us working on? Drop us a line using the feedback submission form just to the left.
Thanks for reading, and have an amazing weekend!