- Team LaunchNotes
Sharing and SEO controls
Optimize your content for search and sharing. With our new sharing and SEO controls, you can take control of how your public LaunchNotes page looks in search and when sharing across platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Slack.
Excellent release comms not only make your existing customers happy, but draw in new prospects and recover lost opportunities. With our new sharing and search controls, you can optimize every release down to the letter, to make sure it shows exactly how you want it across search and the social platforms you rely on.
What's changing?
Project settings - Sharing and search

Under your project settings, you can find a new section called "Sharing & search." Here you'll see a wall of options. We've done a ton of research on what makes for great sharing content, so for most teams, our defaults will be perfect. However, for the folks that really want to dig in, we've provided access to just about everything you could ever want to fine tune how your content is displayed across all major platforms.
Release settings

In the release editor, admins and contributors will see a new element called "Release settings." Clicking this will expose a very similar wall of options.

Building on the project-level defaults we have established in Project settings, you either trust our magic, or fine tune each release's url slug, hero image, social sharing metatags and images.
How does it look?



The project settings customization page has been split out into two new tabs, "Basic info" and "Look & feel." We have added a new field under "Basic info" that enables you to change your public page sub-domain.
Why are we doing this?
We're working towards building a world-class content platform that makes it easy for teams of all shapes and sizes to create and nurture great relationships with their customers, prospects and lookie-loos. This is a simple, but powerful improvement that helps you get your amazing work in front of more people.
When can you expect this?
We are in the process of rolling this out. You should see it within the next 24 hours.
What's next?
New notification design system
We are wrapping up development on a brand new notification design system. Expect to see fresh new email and slack notifications very soon!
New public pages
We've been hard at work designing a brand new public page layout that is flexible and customizable. Be on the lookout for a sneak peek of that in the coming weeks!
The wrap
We are constantly striving to improve your reach. If you have comments about Sharing and search controls, or just have a great idea of how we can do better for you, drop us a note at hey@launchnotes.io.