- Team LaunchNotes
The release article
Our new Article editor will allow you to draft and save a rich text document that can be published when you are ready to share. The article has native support for embedded images and videos.
As always, we would love to get your feedback!
We've updated the article editor to give you a rich text experience worthy of breaking down your product launches. The new WYSIWYG editor powering articles has everything you need to format, add images, preview/publish and more.
When is it shipping?
The new article editing experience is live for you to try out today 🚀
Where to find it
From your release page you have the option to add an article. This is meant for detailing bigger changes that need a little more explanation.
What's new
Autosave while typing
While typing in the new editor your changes are automatically saved.
New toolbar with standard formatting options
Easy to use formatting options for detailing your features.
Preview before adding it to your public page
See what your article will look like before publishing it to your public page.
API Changes
The ReleaseType will have two new fields:
article of type String
articlePublishedAt of type ISO8601DateTime
The description field on the ReleaseType is being deprecated in favor of the new article field. The description field will now operate on the article field's content until it is removed.
The description field will become unavailable on May 21st, 2020. As we have more information, we will update the related release - https://updates.launchnotes.io/releases/release-description-deprecation.
Wrap up
The new article editing experience is live for you to use today! Please send your feedback through on https://tylerdavis781690.typeform.com/to/qZvlnd