In beta
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HubSpot Marketing Integration

STAGE: In beta

In today’s fast-paced digital world, consistency and efficiency in customer communication are paramount. Organizations that have invested heavily in their marketing technology (MarTech) stacks to ensure seamless and professional customer interactions need to centralize customer-facing communication.

The Solution: LaunchNotes + HubSpot Integration

We are thrilled to be introducing the LaunchNotes integration with HubSpot, designed to manage your subscription data and send emails through HubSpot, ensuring that all customer touchpoints are unified and professionally managed within your existing MarTech ecosystem.

Key Benefits:

- Centralized Email Sending: Send all customer communications from one platform, ensuring consistency in branding and messaging.

- Improved Visibility and Tracking: Gain complete visibility into email engagement and track customer interactions seamlessly within HubSpot.

- Subscriber List Synchronization: Automatically synchronize subscriber lists between LaunchNotes and HubSpot, keeping your data up-to-date.

- Enhanced Governance: Enforce governance rules such as email frequency limits, preventing over-communication and ensuring compliance.

- Streamlined Subscription Management: Simplify subscription interactions for your customers, making it easier for them to manage their preferences.


With this powerful integration, LaunchNotes and HubSpot are here to help you deliver consistent, professional, and efficient customer communications like never before.

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