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Roadmap tables & filters

STAGE: Complete

Navigating a multi-stage product roadmap to find relevant roadmap work can be challenging. Roadmap views can get cluttered and overwhelming, making it hard to scan and locate the features pertinent to every user's role and need.

Roadmap tables & filters

To address this, the roadmap tables & filters feature will enable users to view the roadmap in two new formats optimized for easy scanning: a “list view” and the existing Kanban board view. 

Users will be able to switch between these views and filter a roadmap to only show items relevant to them based on categories, owner, members, roadmap stage, and published state. 

This will provide product teams, and those teams dependent on their work (marketing, sales, support, success), more control and specificity when interacting with a roadmap, letting them tailor their view to focus on their area of interest, immediate need, and in their preferred format. 

This new capability will make it easier than ever for product and GTM teams to make their roadmap useful in their everyday coordination with internal teams and their customer engagements.

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