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December 2024
November 2024
Announcements Embedded widgets Notifications Private pages Public pages Roadmap Administration

Coming Soon 👀 A New and Improved Embeddable Widget

We’re thrilled to give you a preview of the significantly enhanced Embeddable Widget we’re building and plan to make available in the coming weeks. The new embeddable widget will automatically inherit the design and capabilities of your audience page, ensuring a consistent and rich user experience directly in your app or on your website.
October 2024
Announcements Embedded widgets Notifications Private pages Public pages Administration

Feature Friday - October 25: Introducing Table of Contents for LaunchNotes Pages

Elevate your product communicates for both authors and subscribers to LaunchNotes' announcements with our new Table of Contents feature. The feature can streamline the navigation and the accessibility of announcements for your subscribers and help you organize multiple features and product lines in one announcement.
September 2024
Announcements Notifications Administration

Introducing Copy to Project Feature

The Copy to Project feature, available today, is designed to save you time and effort managing announcements and content between LaunchNotes projects. The feature can be found in both the Draft and Published folders in the management portal by clicking on the drop-down at the upper-right corner of an announcement card. From there, you can duplicate announcements from one project to another, ensuring consistent messaging across multiple audiences.
Announcements Notifications Private pages Public pages Administration

Digests for enhanced product communications

We're thrilled to introduce our new "Digests" feature. This powerful capability has been designed to streamline your product communications by creating more options for how you communicate product change and updates. With Digests, you can consolidate your announcements into one summary update, delivered at the frequency that best suits your needs and your subscribers’ appetite.